This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust Scholarship

by Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust

Scholarship details

Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust Scholarship
Close date Monday, 12 November 2018

About the scholarship

Scholarships are available for High School students living in the area of the Dunedin RSA - This includes Upper Clutha, Queenstown, Cromwell, Lawrence, Maniototo, Omakau & Dunedin. (excluding Mosgiel) who will be enrolling at an institution recognised by the NZQA.

How To Apply

To apply email: [email protected] or telephone (03) 466 4888, or download an application form from

Entry requirements

Scholarships are available for High School students living in the area of the Dunedin RSA - This includes Upper Clutha, Queenstown, Cromwell, Lawrence, Maniototo, Omakau & Dunedin. (excluding Mosgiel) who will be enrolling at an institution recognised by the NZQA