This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Ngā Raumanako Māori Scholarship

by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ),Ngā Kaitatau Māori o Aotearoa (NKMoA)

Scholarship details

Ngā Raumanako Māori Scholarship
Value $5,000 ($2,500 p.a. over 2 years)
Ethnicities Māori

About the scholarship

Maori students studying in an Accountancy Profession - 2 Separate Scholarships on offer

Entry requirements

The Nga Raumanako Maori Scholarship is for Maori tauira who have a passion for accounting. The recipient will need to clearly articulate how this scholarship will help them to achieve their aspirations in the accounting field and how these can contribute to the economic and financial well-being of Maori.