This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Gisborne East Coast Financial Assistance Fund

by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ)

Scholarship details

Gisborne East Coast Financial Assistance Fund
Value up to $3,000
Close date Friday, 26 October 2018

About the scholarship

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (ABN 50 084 642 571) – (CA ANZ, us or we) offers support for potential members in the Gisborne/East Coast area. Application for this support is available to students proposing to enter the CA or AT Colleges.

How To Apply

Download the application form

Entry requirements

The students/applicants: A. Must be studying (or intending to study) towards a degree designed to fulfil the academic requirements for entry into Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. B. Must be residing within the Gisborne/East Coast region at the time of application. C. Complete a full application and provide supporting documentation as required by the application process. D. Be seen as a contributor to school life and a positive person of the community