This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Otaki and Porirua Maori Trusts Scholarship

by Otaki and Porirua Trusts Board

Scholarship details

Otaki and Porirua Maori Trusts Scholarship
Value Non Boarding / Day School - $200, Boarding - $1,000, and Tertiary - $600.
Close date Tuesday, 9 October 2018

About the scholarship

The Otaki and Porirua Trusts Board administrates the Otaki and Porirua Trusts Board Scholarships, which aims to provide assistance for post primary education for boys and girls between the ages of 13 to 20 years inclusive.

How To Apply

There are now only two parts to this scholarship application form:

  1. Nga Matua (Parents) me te Akonga (Student) – Part 1. Part 1, pages 1-4 are to be completed by the parents and the student. Attach page 4 to the Hapu and Iwi Report (Part 2) and sent to your hapu/iwi signatory.

  2. Hapu Iwi Report – Part 2. This is to be completed by the hapu/iwi signatory from your hapu listed in the appendix attached to the application form. Once Part 2 is completed, please return to the Board along with Part 1.

The Otaki and Porirua Trusts Board is trialling the 2016 Scholarship round without the Principles Report. Please note that at this stage, this is only for 2016.

Entry requirements

The scholarship is open to British subjects of all races, inhabitants of the islands in the Pacific ocean, but preference is given to the boys and girls of the three iwi of Te Atiawa ki Whakarongotai, Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga and Ngati Toa Rangatira.

Selection considers the following:

• Demonstrated involvement with Marae, Hapu and Iwi of the three aforementioned Iwi

• Demonstrated strong interest in Maori culture and language

• Evidence of involvement in cultural and/or community and/or sporting activities