This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

Fehl Music Scholarship
Study levels Undergraduate
Value Up to the value of $7,500
Length One year
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Monday, 1 July 2019
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

This scholarship is designed to help support deserving New Zealand School of Music undergraduate students who are in financial need.

How To Apply

'- Provide evidence of financial need, e.g. Mystudylink including eligibility for Student Allowance, WINZ benefit.

  • Attach a one-page personal statement to share your story, to explain what music means to you and your aims for a career in music.
  • Applicants (other than those who have completed all of their study at the New Zealand School of Music) must include a certified copy of those academic records from other institutions.
  • Provide a reference from an academic member of staff at the New Zealand School of Music.

Entry requirements

• Students are selected on the basis of academic merit, future potential, commitment to music, and demonstrated financial need. • Students must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. • Students must be enrolled full time in their second or third year of an undergraduate degree at the New Zealand School of Music. • The scholarship may be held concurrently with any other award or grant as long as the terms of that award of grant permit.