Course details

Road Transport
NZQF Level 4

About the course

Get Qualified With MitoMITO’s Automotive Heavy Engineering programme specialising in Road Transport can really take you places. This qualification is designed for those interested in the overall servicing and repair of all aspects of heavy road transport vehicles, including trucks, buses, heavy trailers and combination units. The programme includes a mix of workplace practical learning and online learning - allowing you to complete theory elements in your own time and at your own pace. You can access online learning resources, including videos, interactive simulations and online theory assessments, at any time and from any device – mobile phone, tablet or computer. Real-time results and progress reports are available through MITO’s online portal to both you and your supervisor. Programme OutlineLearning outcomes include:

Follow workplace policies, procedures and relevant regulations to work safely and effectively in an automotive workshop Use tools and equipment to complete basic workshop engineering tasks Apply fundamental automotive engineering knowledge to service engine and driveline systems Check operation of, and perform minor repairs on, electrical and electronic systems Apply fundamental automotive engineering knowledge to service steering, suspension and brake systems Monitor the workplace and respond to issues as required to maintain a safe and effective workplace Apply the appropriate precautionary measures when servicing and repairing high risk heavy automotive systems Service and repair trucks, buses, heavy trailers and combination units.

About the provider

MITO is part of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning, a subsidiary of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.

We facilitate training for the automotive, commercial road transport, extractives, gas, and logistics industries. We work with learners, their employers and training providers, to ensure people get the best possible opportunities to learn and advance their career, while developing a skilled workforce for the industries we serve.

To enrol in a MITO training programme you must be employed in one of the industries that MITO supports and your employer must be able to support your training, as you will complete your qualification on-the-job. This means you will be learning and earning!