National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry Skills) (Level 2) with strands in Automotive Electrical and Mechanical, and Collision Repair
Course details
NZQF Level | 2 |
About the course
This certificate is designed for school leavers interested in a career in the motor industry.
The qualification provides both generic and industry specific skills covering the range of work roles available in the motor industry. It demands a level of performance that will enable new recruits to the industry to be immediately productive.
The core compulsory section of the qualification covers the essential knowledge and skills required by the motor industry including work and study skills, knowledge of automotive administration, protection of vehicle electronics, knowledge of vehicle systems and components, and automotive workshop engineering skills.
The core elective section provides an opportunity for people to gain recognition for skills and knowledge in the areas of keyboarding, literacy, communication and customer service, problem solving, automotive electrical, and workshop engineering.
The elective strands cover a range of knowledge and skills particular to automotive electrical and mechanical roles and to collision repair roles in the motor industry.
This qualification prepares people for entry into further National Certificates in the motor industry. It shares some standards in common with other qualifications to provide multiple entry points for people to the industry. The Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO) publication, Career Prospectus, gives guidance on career pathways (contact MITO, details on page 11).
The qualification provides both generic and industry specific skills covering the range of work roles available in the motor industry. It demands a level of performance that will enable new recruits to the industry to be immediately productive.
The core compulsory section of the qualification covers the essential knowledge and skills required by the motor industry including work and study skills, knowledge of automotive administration, protection of vehicle electronics, knowledge of vehicle systems and components, and automotive workshop engineering skills.
The core elective section provides an opportunity for people to gain recognition for skills and knowledge in the areas of keyboarding, literacy, communication and customer service, problem solving, automotive electrical, and workshop engineering.
The elective strands cover a range of knowledge and skills particular to automotive electrical and mechanical roles and to collision repair roles in the motor industry.
This qualification prepares people for entry into further National Certificates in the motor industry. It shares some standards in common with other qualifications to provide multiple entry points for people to the industry. The Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO) publication, Career Prospectus, gives guidance on career pathways (contact MITO, details on page 11).
About the provider
We are privately owned learning centres, within Taranaki at Hawera, Stratford and New Plymouth, owned by CEO Cheree Menzies. We promote a philosophy of self-management enabled through quality staff, quality systems and a passion for learning.
We provide comfortable and friendly learning environments to assist learners to gain foundation skills necessary for today’s workplace. In addition to foundation skills, Feats offers entry-level industry qualifications preparing learners for their chosen career path.
All Feats programmes have embedded literacy and numeracy training to improve provision for our learners.