Course details

National Certificate in Horticulture (Introductory) (Level 2)
NZQF Level 2

About the course

This is an introductory certificate for people entering a career in the horticultural industry. The aim of the qualification is to provide a sound basis for further education and training. People who have completed the National Certificate in Horticulture (Introductory) (Level 2) [Ref: 1013] will be able to demonstrate fundamental knowledge and/or elementary skills relevant to various sectors of the horticultural industry.

This qualification is not a prerequisite for higher level national certificates in horticulture, however, the higher level certificates do build on the skills and knowledge recognised by this qualification. People intending to progress to the following higher level certificates should bear this in mind when choosing electives (see qualification pathway diagram at the end of this document for an outline of the shared credits):
. National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 4) with optional strands in Amenity Horticulture, Fruit Production, Landscape, Nursery Production, Postharvest, Viticulture, and Vegetable Production [Ref: 1014]
. National Certificate in Horticulture (Advanced) (Level 4) with strands in Amenity Horticulture, Fruit Production, Landscape, Nursery Production, Postharvest, Production Horticulture, Viticulture, and Vegetable Production [Ref: 1015].

The elective structure of this qualification allows trainees, providers, and employers the flexibility of tailoring programmes to meet individual skill needs that reflect the diverse roles in the horticulture industry. Providers are advised to consider on-job safety requirements and ensure that they select standards that include driving, chainsaws, first aid, and safety in the workplace.

About the provider

We are one of the New Zealand's largest Private Training Establishment operating from three modern branches. Our training is generally unit based, with each unit offering credits towards nationally recognised qualifications.

We offer a selection of courses which include training for the Industrial, Business and Financial sectors. Our courses aim to develop student's skills, attitudes and knowledge while addressing the identified needs of various industries. We also offer practical training that is job related and is aimed at producing skills needed for the workplace. Communication, job search and life skills are incorporated into all the courses we offer.