National Certificate in Seafood Processing with strands in Basic Processing Skills, and Intermediate Processing Skills

Course details

National Certificate in Seafood Processing with strands in Basic Processing Skills, and Intermediate Processing Skills
NZQF Level 2 - 3

About the course

This qualification is designed to recognise the skills and knowledge of employees or potential employees in the seafood industry.

The Core Compulsory section includes standards that cover describing seafood spoilage factors and their controls, maintaining personal hygiene and using hygienic work practices while working with seafood, describing and using safe work practices in the seafood industry, and demonstrating knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements.

The Core Elective section allows candidates to choose between standards that cover handling seafood product and handling bivalve molluscan shellfish product.

The Basic Processing Skills Strand allows candidates to choose from a selection of standards in the Seafood Processing domain and a wider selection from anywhere on the DAS.

The Intermediate Processing Skills Strand allows candidates to choose from a selection of standards at a more advanced level from the Seafood Generic and Seafood Processing domains and a wider selection from anywhere on the DAS.

This qualification, and the National Certificate in Aquaculture (Level 3) [Ref: 1620], builds on the skills and knowledge covered in the National Certificate in Seafood Processing (Level 2) [Ref: 0563].

This qualification leads to the National Certificate in Seafood Processing (Advanced Processing Skills) [Ref: 1622].

About the provider

The Westport Deep Sea Fishing School is the leading provider of new entrants into the NZ fishing industry with around 85 of our students placed into full time employment in 2016 and several thousand over the 26 years the school has been operating.

Peter Maich and his team operate a residential program created around practical training that builds skills and experience aimed at getting our students into full time employment. These programs are based on industry created and NZQA approved qualifications and fully supported by our leading seafood companies.
