Course details

Te Ara Poutama Toitū Te Reo

About the course

I ngā tohu Te Ara Poutama Toitū Te Reo ka puta te tauira hei toa ki te reo Māori, hei toa ki te whakaako i ngā marautanga e hāngai ana ki te tūmomo reanga (kōhungahunga, kura tuatahi, wharekura) ka tohua e rātou. Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao. Kei runga noa atu te ako mā te reo Māori. He take nui hoki te ora tonu o te reo Māori. Nō reira, me matua whiwhi raukura kaiako te ao Māori hei ārahi i te oranga tonutanga o te reo ki ngā tōpito katoa o te ao. Koianei tā ngā tohu whakangungu kaiako Te Ara Poutama Toitū Te Reo: Ka whakawhanake i ō rātou pūkenga whakaako mā te huarahi o te reo Māori, me te wānanga i ngā kaupapa mai i te tirohanga Māori me te mātauranga Māori. Ka tūhura hoki i ngā ariā me ngā pūtoi ako o te mātauranga e hāngai ana ki te ao o te kaiako whakaako mā te reo Māori. Ka riro i ngā raukura o Toitū Te Reo he tohu pouako. Ko te hunga ka whai i ngā ka arotahi ki ngā kaupapa motuhake kua whakaritea.

About the provider

The University of Waikato, located in the central North Island cities of Hamilton and Tauranga, is an internationally recognised tertiary institution offering degree programmes designed to produce job-ready graduates. Each year, the University provides more than 2,000 industry placements and internship opportunities, believing its students benefit from the chance to put the theory they have learnt in classrooms, into practice in a real-world employment environment. When students choose to study at waikato, they gain a globally recognised education. In 2019, the QS World University Rankings placed the University of Waikato 266th in the world, an improvement of 135 places in five years. The University is also in the top 5% of all globally ranked institutions for research impact, meaning their research is among some of the most influential in the world.
